5 age groups, Physical, Cognitive, Social development

Develop, Information, Principle#2, Resource created by D4CR

User age: 0-3y
Physical: gross and fine motor, eye development, posture ergonomics
Cognitive: no use of screen without adult
Social: no use of screen without adult
What children need to learn / experience:
Basics of interactive skills, language skills, perception skills
– > all this affects strongly to the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development.

User age: 4-6y
Physical: moving in different environments, posture ergonomics
Cognitive: quality of content
Social: Independent play vs. group play
What children need to learn / experience:
“Who am I? Am I good enough?”
Interactive skills, working skills, concentration, causes relations.
> should enrich the language, interactive problem solving skills, executive skills…

User age: 7-11y
Physical: posture ergonomics
Cognitive: executive skills
Social: media criticism should be taught
What children need to learn / experience:
“I am part of a group. And I’m good as I am. I respect myself”.
Do not lose your creativity, playfulness and your core self > problem solving opportunities, help finding motivation to work on tasks that are not easy.

User age: 12-15y
Physical: posture ergonomics
Cognitive: creativity, opportunities, attendance
Social: Beware of bullying, sexting, sharenting
What children need to learn / experience:
“Feeling of safety and acceptance is what I need.”
Exploratory opportunities in many areas.
Peer contact are important.

User age: 16-18y
Physical: posture ergonomics
Cognitive: problem solving, thinking through problems
Social: exposure to radical groups, assumption of self protection, peer relationship and relevance
What children need to learn / experience:
“I’m kind of an adult but still need guidance”.
Abstract and more complex thinking needs to be enabled.