Great resource on how do design digital products that caters for people with disabilities and other impairments (not only applicable on games). To the webpage of Game Accessibility...
Principles Supporting Resources Stories DSD Cards Developmental Stages of 5-6, 7-9, 10-12 y.o. (Developmentally situated design ) From DSD Cards by Tilde Bekker and Alissa Antle Use this great tool to find out specific information about children’s developing...
BBC design team carried out extensive research into their younger audience and how they design for them. This article seeks to briefly present some findings and tools that they have created to aid you in designing for this...
METHODS & PRACTICES We should test to see and learn from real life use, so think about the environment/context what you are testing in and how that can influence the results. This could involve siblings, parents, friends etc. Children know what they need, let them...