Role playing

METHODS & PRACTICES This method has the emphasis in encouraging the child to imagine or mimic different situations and envision themselves in different roles. Respect children’s attitudes towards performing and provide alternatives in case they are not...

Write user stories in the tone of voice as a child

METHODS & PRACTICES Write user stories in the tone of voice as a child   Try to write stories in this format: I want xxx because I like xxx and I dont’ like xxx. The perspective and voice is from the child speaking Write the text with the child’s...

Co-creating/ Participatory design with Children

METHODS & PRACTICES Co-creating/ Participatory design with Children Define the roles. Adults should become more playful and the children should know and understand that their participation is equal to others. Consider the child’s rights in the editorial...

The self-documentation practices

METHODS & PRACTICES The main aim in self-documentation practices is to collect data about children’s understanding of a certain concept. The emphasis here is on visualising and materialising different concepts for kids so that they can relate on them. Focus...

Prototype test sessions with children

METHODS & PRACTICES We should test to see and learn from real life use, so think about the environment/context what you are testing in and how that can influence the results. This could involve siblings, parents, friends etc. Children know what they need, let them...

5 age groups, Physical, Cognitive, Social development

METHODS & PRACTICES User age: 0-3y Physical: gross and fine motor, eye development, posture ergonomics Cognitive: no use of screen without adult Social: no use of screen without adult What children need to learn / experience: Basics of interactive skills, language...

Appropriate screen time

METHODS & PRACTICES 0-3y (no need for digital devices without an adult, brain or psychosocial development is not ready for passive use, they miss interaction with other people) 4-6y (depends of the content and use, should use 20 min. / time, with adult presence)...

Play Testing

METHODS & PRACTICES Goal Create the best possible digital product. Activity Involving user at relevant stages of production to improve the product. Relation to theme 3: ‘Nurturing the child as a social being and a citizen’ Cater for kids needs and capabilities to...

Co-Designing with Children

METHODS & PRACTICES Goal: To create a solution that reflects children’s – not adults – world, needs and preferences Involve children throughout the whole design process, from concept development to testing the final piece Speak in a child-friendly way; in a...


METHODS & PRACTICES Co-research Involving children as researchers at multiple stages of the design process. Co-research can support agency and responsibility and by allowing kids to influence the outcome. It can help kids understand diversity by helping them...