Our statement to the D4CR design guide
Children are a significant part of all humans. The World Bank estimates that over 25% of the global population are children.
Children use a wide range of the existing services and products. And they face the indirect effects of others using services and products which are not designed considering the needs or rights of the child nor include children as stakeholders by default.
Excluding children from our thinking is a systemic bias.
Our perspective is often too narrow and the time scale too short.
When we design for children, we design for the future. Childhood experiences have an impact on children which translates into long term effects on the population and society, and the future.
To ensure the wellbeing of children it is especially important to ensure the best interest of the child in design and business decisions.
In this guide we have put into words what is in the best interest of the child in business and design, and represent our responsibility to respect the children’s needs and perspectives.
“The best interest of the child is a dynamic concept that requires an assessment appropriate to the specific context.” (U.N. GC No.25).

D4CR principles
Design for Play & Learning
4. Allow and support exploration
5. Encourage children to play with others
6. Create a balanced environment
Design for Safety & Sustainability
7. Keep children safe and protected
8. Do not misuse children’s data
9. Help children recognise and understand commercial activities
10. Design for future